Shri Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India for the third time in a row. You all must have heard about Modi’s Guarantee. Everyone wants progress in life, but not everyone achieves it! Today, I also want to give a guarantee: if you complete these 5 tasks with full dedication for the next 90 days non-stop, you will see a significant transformation in your life. You will be transformed significantly.
So, let’s find out what my 5 guarantees are.
Guarantee 1: Health: If You Have Health, You Have Everything
We are very afraid of the word “pandemic.” Because the word pandemic brings back the terrifying memories of the Covid-19 era. But did you know that Diabetes and Obesity have also become pandemics? If you don’t believe me, just search on Google.
Today in India:
- There are 7.49 crore diabetic patients.
- 7 crore people are struggling with obesity.
- 33% of urban Indians and 25% of rural Indians are hypertensive.
- 20% of Indian women have PCOS.
- 10 to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.
But can we get rid of these? Maybe yes. If you follow these three activities:
- Daily 1 Hour Exercise: According to studies, just 11 minutes of exercise each day can help people avoid an early death and help prevent heart disease, stroke, and some cancers. If you don’t believe me, search in Google. According to Google, exercise can reduce almost all diseases. Keep exercising, and keep your distance from diseases!
- Focus on Balanced Diet: Our changing lifestyle and eating habits have become the root cause of increasing diseases. Therefore, reduce eating outside and focus on a balanced diet. We should avoid any kind of processed food because we should eat not just for taste but for health too. So, control your taste buds.
- Stop Taking White Poisons: Quit Maida (refined flour), Sugar, and Salt; your life will shine!
Guarantee 2: Lifelong Learning and Self Development:
If you also want to be a part of the Amrit Peedhi Ecosystem, no matter your age, never stop learning! If I told you that Warren Buffet would teach you all his 40 years of learnings in 4 hours, would you be excited? An author puts a lifetime of learnings and experiences into a book, but our problem is we don’t have time to read. Because we are busier than Bill Gates. Bill Gates reads more than 50 books a year, but we can’t find time to read even one book in a year. So, develop a habit of reading at least 10 pages daily.
I have seen many relatives and family friends around me who have never read a book or journal on parenting skills after their formal education. Everyone wants to give their child the best education, but they don’t want to learn about parenting skills themselves. In India, the divorce rate is also increasing. Nowadays, 13 couples are getting divorced out of every 1,000 marriages. Today, everyone should think about and learn relationship improvement.
If you want both progress and legacy, focus on self-development. It’s been 17 years since the iPhone was launched. And in these 17 years, the iPhone 15 Pro Max has been launched. This means that almost every year, the iPhone has upgraded itself. But are we upgrading ourselves? Maybe not.
In the era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, you also need to upgrade yourself regularly. Depending on your working domain, find out which software and skills can bring transformation to your life and start learning. Everyone should learn Public Speaking and Storytelling. Otherwise, you’ll do 11 tasks and report only 1 to your boss, while your competitor will do 1 task, report 11, and get the promotion.
Guarantee 3: Financial Literacy to Financial Freedom:
In about 17-18 years of the formal education system (12+3/4+2), there is no mention of Financial Literacy. Sadly, today in India, only 27% of people are financially literate. This means 73% of people have no knowledge of money management. If you want to be self-reliant in a developed India, you need to be financially literate.
Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including Personal Financial Management, Budgeting, and Investing. If I ask you which tax regime is better for you, New or Old, you might get confused. That’s why it’s important to understand both tax regimes and see which one suits you best.
Most people don’t know anything about retirement planning. It’s an aspect we all need to understand at a young age. For this, start learning and investing in PPF, EPF, and NPS.
As of March 2024, there are 15 crore demat accounts in India. This means 125 crore people are still away from the Stock Market and Mutual Funds.
The Stock Market and Mutual Funds are good, but it’s important to understand whether they are right for you. Everyone’s financial situation and risk appetite are different. Therefore, it’s essential to understand which investment option suits your financial goals and risk tolerance.
If you want to know more about Financial Literacy, read books like “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” “Think and Grow Rich,” and “The Psychology of Money.”
To achieve Financial Freedom, you need to become Financially Literate.
Guarantee 4: Develop Your Network Because Your Network is Your Net Worth:
In our childhood, we used to think that the higher the IQ, the greater the chance of success. Then the world moved towards EQ, meaning Emotional Quotient. And now, the era of SQ, meaning Social Quotient, is here. Because Your Network is Your Net Worth.
If you need a certificate from the panchayat, the more connections you have, the quicker you’ll get it. If you want to change jobs, your strong network will help you easily find a new job.
If you are a businessman and you may need business leads, business loan, or venture capital funding, then your strong network is crucial for conversion.
So, improve your network.
While building your network, remember these two things:
- “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Therefore, choose your network and friends wisely. The people around you directly impact your thoughts, behavior, and success.
- “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” If you’re the smartest, then you’re in the wrong room because there will be no one to teach you. Always be around people from whom you can learn something new and improve yourself.
Guarantee 5: Maintain Your Report Card:
Everyone is interested in seeing Modi’s report card. But after school and college, have you ever created your own report card? Do you track your progress?
If you want to be successful, start tracking your progress. For this, you need to follow some important steps:
- Set SMART Goals:
- S = Specific: Goals should be clear and specific.
- M = Measurable: Goals should be measurable.
- A = Achievable: Goals should be realistic and attainable.
- R = Relevant: Goals should be aligned with your overall objectives.
- T = Time-based: Goals should have a specific timeline.
- Write Daily Tasks with Deadlines: Write down your daily tasks and set deadlines. This will make you disciplined and help you achieve your goals.
- Review DRS (Daily Report Summary) Before Sleeping: Before sleeping, review your day’s tasks and goals. This will give you clarity on your achievements and areas of improvement.
- Adapt to a Digital Tracking System: In Digital India, adapting to a digital tracking system will make it easier to conduct monthly and quarterly reviews.
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this article!
The insights you’ve shared are super relevant for anyone dedicated
to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and the way you’ve presented the information is so easy to understand.
It’s exactly the kind of content people need in today’s world when staying healthy has become such a priority.
I’ll definitely be sharing this article on my own blog about diet
and wellness – I know my readers will find it just as helpful
as I did. Thanks for sharing